Monday, March 23, 2009

Thing #2

What are your initial thoughts about using "Library 2.0" technology? At this point, can you think of anything new or different we might do either behind the scenes or in public service?

The things that are most interesting to me are the ways that users can add value. I like the idea of our users tagging, adding reviews, etc. I'd also like for the library to start "publishing" or housing student-produced material. I think we have to accept that only a few people will contribute and I think acknowledging that usually stops us from continuing with projects, but that's the way it is in the Worldwide Web, too, right? At least according to the What is Web 2.0? article. So we should just do it. I also am not too comfortable with launching things when they are still in the beta stage, but I guess if Google does it, that's ok, too?

1 comment:

will said...

I think the point about perpetual beta is that something is always improving and constnatly under revision. I agree that new releases should have a pretty bug free. We should not be afraid to experiment with them and change them though.