Friday, March 27, 2009

Thing #3

The only way RSS feeds would help the Pollak Library communicate with our community would be if members of our community subscribed to them.  I think one of the first audiences we should target are new faculty and the Pollak Library's RSS feeds should be introduced along w/ those of journals and other information sources the faculty really want access to.  I sometimes introduce RSS feeds to grad students, but I think they are too overwhelmed to really get excited about them. Faculty do get excited and maybe after a while the use of RSS feeds will trickle down to the students. They may already subscribe to some and they certainly are receiving them through their social networking sites, right?

Thing #3 was useful.  It was a little annoying b/c I already use bloglines, but I understand that it's easier to help people learn something if everyone is using the same platform.

1 comment:

will said...

Until one uses RSS it is really hard to comprehend the power of them. They are still pretty useful even with out subscriptions though. We do use them to auto update our homepage and we can use them in guides as well.