Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thing #10

The first article I found in Google Scholar that was on my topic and had a link to Pollak Library, resulted in:"
The economics of global warming [0-88132-132-X] Cline

There were links to look for the item in the catalog or order it through ILL.

I tried again.

'Little Ice Age'summer temperature variations: their nature and relevance to recent global warming trends
The Holocene [0959-6836] Bradley yr:1993 vol:3 iss:4 pg:367

The same thing happened.

The third time, was the charm. I clicked on the Pollak Library Find It! link next to this citation
Making mistakes when predicting shifts in species range in response to global warming
Nature [0028-0836] Davis yr:1998 vol:391 pg:783
brought me to hyperlinks for Academic Search Premier, as well as the call number for the print version of the article.

I tried putting in the information from the citation (without clicking on Pollak LibraryFind It!) into the citation finder, but it wasn't enough information. I was faced with a list of journals that had Nature in the title. I then went back and clicked on Pollak Library Find It so I could get sufficient information to compare the OpenURL with the link created using the advanced options on the Find it screen. (V. cool, by the way.)

I was still taken back to the screen that gave me multiple options for finding journals with Nature in the title, but not URL for this article.

I then went back to the Find It! page that had the Academic Search Premier link and clicked on that, and copied and pasted the URLs for both the item record and the PDF of the article on the same MS Word page where I posed the URL created using More Options. I didn't see any similarities, but I don't think that I'm using the tools correctly.

I like the constructivism of this assignment, but I don't think I'm getting to the understanding that was intended, so I don't feel like I can comment on the usefulness of OpenURLs b/c I don't understand what they are. I can see the usefulness of the link created using More Options on our FindIt page. It will help make the whole reserves process easier b/c students will be able to access the article directly from our proprietary databases and faculty will be able to add items to their courses w/o having to plan ahead. The same links could be shared btwn students and no copyright laws would be violated.

I just looked at the Wikipedia entry for OpenURL
So, what I was looking at when I used More Options was the Open URL. That seems like a bit of a misnomer b/c it's really closed, right? Access is limited to licensed users in our case. However, all the nice things I said above still pertain.

The Open URL I had created for

Davis, A J. "Making mistakes when predicting shifts in species range in response to global warming." Nature 391(1998):783.

starts off with information about how to access the article w/in our databases. It then gives author/title info and other citation information. It's nice to see that I could look at one that wasn't working and I would still be able to translate it into a citation and find the item.

1 comment:

will said...

I believe it is called open URL because the link is created on-the-fly, base on the article meta-data rather than a pre-determined permalink (that could break or not be so permanent). The link is essentially a query string - sending a query to a special server that has all of our holdings in it. When you select the SFX button, you are sending a question to a server saying - do you have this article? The menu that is returned is an answer to that question. The value of the open url is that it is independent of information provider. That is why one link provides several answers (at least that is how i think it works).